West Coker Recreation Ground’s park official opening

Released On 14th Sep 2017

On Tuesday 18 July, District & Parish Councillor Gina Seaton officially opened the new extension of West Coker Play Park at Halves Lane, West Coker Recreation Ground.

The park has seen the installation of a zip wire, clamber stack climbing system, a new accessible footpath and a basket swing as well as the refurbishment of the already established equipment.

The working party made up of Trustees of the Recreation Ground, Parish Councillors and local residents and led by Parish Chairperson David Neal and Parish Councillor Angus McPhee still aim to increase this provision further adding further items to the play park.

The improvements are all part of the wider Recreation Ground Master Plan to improve the facilities for the children and young people of the village (an aim for the trustees of the Recreation Ground). This includes planning for a new Multi Use Games Area & tennis court, improved sports playing surfacing, increase car park and signage, notice boards and furniture and a new Sports & Youth Pavilion for the village.

The new Pavilion will support the park and host a number of important youth and sports clubs running within the parish.

Councillor Seaton highlighted within the opening ceremony special thanks to Parish Chair David Neal, Sub Committee lead Angus McPhee, Parish Clerk Kate Fullerton, Parish Rangers Nick Allen & Phil Nicholson and to South Somerset District Council (James Divall & Rob Parr) for their support throughout the project. Special thanks were made to West Coker Parish Council and SSDC Area South Committee for their generous support in helping to fund the improvements.

The improvements have already seen a large increase in usage with more children, young people and families using the facilities and enjoying the beautiful summer holidays we have had. West Coker hopes that this excitement continues now with future developments to the West Coker Recreation Ground.

Councillor Peter Gubbins, South Somerset District Council’s Area South Committee Chairman said, “A grant of was given to West Coker to enable the refurbishment of the play park. We are pleased that many people from not only West Coker will benefit from the improvements that have been made.”

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