What we do

Introduction to Love Yeovil

The Love Yeovil team have great ambitions and hopes for our town. Every month we get together and discuss what we can do to help continue the natural growth of Yeovil. We are so fortunate to live and work in a town with so much diversity within the business sector and the wider community. Love Yeovil wishes to celebrate that, and in doing so, our aim is to bring our townspeople together by organising many community events throughout the year. Yeovil Town Green (St Johns)

We have recently become a CIC which means that we are a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders. Becoming a CIC also means that Love Yeovil are more eligible to benefit from funding opportunities which were previously unavailable to us. In return, this means that we have legally promised that all of our monies will be used for social objectives – we will invest all proceeds from Love Yeovil events back into the future prosperity of our town.


What’s next for Love Yeovil?

By working closely with residents, business representatives and council departments from across the town, we are creating or assisting in, the running of many events in Yeovil.

Yeovil, like many towns is currently in the process of responding to the expectations of today’s shoppers, businesses and residents. Being home to over 46,000 residents and many incredible local, regional and national businesses, Love Yeovil wants to unite as much of the community through our events as possible whilst continuing to create a positive buzz across the town.

Yeovil sits on the Somerset/Dorset border and is surrounded by countless idyllic rural villages, agricultural farmland and miles of countryside footpaths. With two train stations and direct access to the A303 we serve the many businesses of our town well. Yeovil is a regional hub for thousands of townspeople and surrounding villagers and offers employment opportunities and crucial amenities.

Love Yeovil are proud of the heritage of our town and by using that as a strong base, we can continue to evolve ensuring that we meet the requirements of the vibrant and multicultural community of Yeovil today.


Want to get involved?

Love Yeovil is currently organised by a management group. All members, aside from our Marketing & Events Coordinator, are unpaid, yet committed and enthusiastic volunteers! We always welcome other like-minded people to join us in our aim to unite the community through local events. Plus, there are exciting plans afoot where we are hoping to introduce a membership to Love Yeovil for local businesses, so watch this space for further information about joining our ‘club’!

In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and share in the enthusiasm for our home town and Love Yeovil!

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