Somerset Council seeks your views on trees

Released On 5th Oct 2022

A consultation has been launched, the results of which will help influence what Somerset’s future landscapes will look like.

Opinions are being sought from experts and non-experts alike. From people who deal with trees in their work every day, to those who walk the dog in a woodland occasionally - and everyone else in between!

The survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. You’ll find it here: Somerset Tree Consultation

Somerset is to get a long-term Tree Strategy to ensure planting and woodland management is fit for the future and supports the area’s ecology, landscape and its people. The consultation will inform that piece of work.

The four District Councils (Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West and Taunton, and South Somerset) and the County Council, are working with consultants Evolving Forest, and stakeholders The Woodland Trust, Somerset Local Nature Partnership, the Environment Agency, The Forestry Commission, Quantock Hills AONB, Exmoor National Park and Somerset Wildlife Trust, to help develop the strategy.

Growing, protecting and restoring Somerset’s trees and woodlands will be the focus, as these measures will help reduce carbon emissions, encourage biodiversity and nature recovery, grow our sustainable timber market, and improve people’s health and wellbeing.

Residents and communities across Somerset are being asked to take part in the consultation process and to share the survey link as widely as possible Somerset Tree Consultation.

The survey is live and remains open until October 21st. For any queries, please contact

Category: Standard

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