Family Warm Bank at The Huddle

Released On 29th Nov 2022

The cost of living crisis and fuel poverty is impacting everyone! Many have focused on the needs of pensioners, those on benefits and school aged children. But what about those people who are home 7 days a week? Parents & carers of young children (4 and under) are being effected and no one is talking about it! Those with children under school age are home most days, days out and spending time outside is reduced during the colder months. The need to heat their homes is important but the cost is putting increasing pressure on families who are already having to make huge financial sacrifice. Many parents with young children are discovering it is not financially viable to return to work, due to the cost of childcare. Attending groups, classes and days out become a luxury many can't justify despite the impact on their own mental well being. As we are seeing the impact of COVID restrictions on children's development more and more, it is evident how fundamental groups and activities are to children's development.

Warm Banks and Community Living Rooms are popping up all over the country, providing a warm welcoming space for people to attend, reducing the need to heat their homes. However, many of the parents I have spoken to expressed their reluctance to attend them. Many said they wouldn't feel comfortable due to the preconceived perceptions of those who may attend.

The Huddle provides an accessible and inclusive family support space, groups and workshops 5 days a week run by a parenting & carrying consultant. Kizzy, the founder, decided that the Huddle should become a Family Focused Warm Bank for those coldest months! The Huddle, located in Quedam Shopping Centre, Yeovil, will be open to those who are pregnant, parents/carers/foster parents (with little ones under 8yrs) and their relatives on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 12.30-2.30 throughout January and February. Comfy seat, warm space, hot drink, snacks, toys to keep little ones happy and parent support and signposting available.

We are able to offer this service thanks to our local communities financial contributions to our fundraiser, and thanks to Super Kids Therapy for sponsoring our Warm Bank. We welcome any ongoing donations to be able to offer free nappies, wipes and other similar items to those who may need it. You can do so here.

Why not join us on the 10th December where members of our community will be cycling on a spin bike for 12 hours, whilst dressed as elves!!! Come and offer them some support and cheer them on outside The Huddle, 18 Vicarage Walk, Quedam Shopping Centre, Yeovil 7am-7pm! Tea/Coffee, snacks available inside.

Category: Standard

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