Celebrations across South Somerset as South West In Bloom results strike Gold and Silver Gilt

Released On 9th Nov 2022

South Somerset District Council (SSDC) are delighted to announce that at this year’s South West In Bloom Awards, towns, parishes and community groups across the district topped the leader board with a host of prestigious awards.

South West In Bloom is part of the National Britain In Bloom initiative that is managed and overseen by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the aim of which is to encourage local communities to help improve and diversify their local environment through the creation of innovative open spaces, biodiversity and recycling initiatives and the conservation of wildlife.

South Somerset District Council’s Horticultural Specialist, Stephen Fox, attended the South West In Bloom Awards Ceremony on behalf of the entire SSDC Environmental Services Team and the Yeovil In Bloom initiative, funded by Yeovil Town Council. Also in attendance were the Chairman of the Yeovil In Bloom Steering Group, Manny Roper, Vice Chairman, David Recardo, SSDC gardener, Andy Helbert, Able2achieve Learning Assessor, Joe Knights and The Mayor of Yeovil, Evie Potts-Jones.

Many Towns and Parishes across South Somerset took part this year, and as a result a considerable number of commendations were received within the district. SSDC’s own Stephen Fox received a Community Champion Award. The category wins were as follows:

  • Yeovil received a Gold award
  • Curry Rivel received a Gold award
  • Crewkerne received a Gold award
  • Haselbury Plucknett received a Gold award in the Champion of Champions award
  • Henstridge received a Silver Gilt award

Henstridge Primary School were also awarded Outstanding School effort and Curry Woods received the award for the best use of native plants.

Alongside the main In Bloom initiative the RHS also encourages local communities to participate in an It’s Your Neighbourhood (IYN) award scheme. This scheme seeks to commend and raise awareness of groups, businesses and individuals that strive to improve their local area.

Many IYN groups took part across Yeovil, and the following groups all received the highest grading of 5 * Outstanding IYN:

  • Able2achieve
  • Kenmore Gardeners
  • The Brookie Bridge Community Project
  • Yeovil Rivers Community Trust
  • Yeovil District Hospital Gardens
  • Wyndham Park Community Association

Severalls Park Community Group in Crewkerne also received second place overall in the category of Best IYN.

Stephen explained: “In Bloom is a fantastic initiative that encourages communities, businesses, and residents to get involved in looking after their local environment, through a variety of wonderfully innovative schemes and projects. 

“We are always looking for new participants so if you would like to get involved, please contact myself at Stephen.fox@southsomerset.gov.uk. I would like to thank everybody who has made our Yeovil entry so memorable this year, in particular, the amazing Lufton team at SSDC who have worked so hard in difficult circumstances.”

Manny Roper, Chairman of the Yeovil In Bloom Steering Group commented: “I am proud to announce that Yeovil was awarded a Gold in the Large Town category. Again, it was a difficult year to say the least, especially to keep the flowers in pristine condition, but St. John’s looked absolutely stunning all summer.

“A huge thank you to Stephen, the Nursery Team who grow all the plants that decorate our town, the Environmental Services Team that plant and maintain the beds, tubs, baskets and troughs throughout the year and the Yeovil Town Council for their continued financial support.”

Councillor Sarah Dyke, the Environment Portfolio Holder at SSDC had high praise for all involved and said: “In Bloom allows our residents to learn about the importance of their local area and invest in positive practices that benefit the environment. Here at South Somerset District Council, we are dedicated to reaching net-zero by 2030 and all our teams are working hard to implement innovative ideas into council practices to ensure we meet that target.  It is fantastic to see the same enthusiasm and dedication echoed throughout our local communities and businesses.”

You can find out more about how South Somerset District Council supports In Bloom and about the Lufton Plant Nursery here Lufton plant nursery and the 'In Bloom' programme | South Somerset District Council.

Category: Standard

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